ADD QUESTIONNAIRE by Mark Oristano This questionnaire is an attempt to discover the level of communication which exists between diagnosed ADD'ers and the clinicians/educators/spouses/others who deal with them on a daily basis. Most questions have an answer scale from 1 to 5 as follows: 1 - Not at all. 2- A little. 3 - Quite a bit. 4 - Very much. 5 - Almost totally. Questions 1 - 7 apply only to those with diagnosed ADD, or those who feel they may be ADD but have never been diagnosed. If this does not include you, please skip to question #8. 1. If think you are ADD, have you been diagnosed? Yes No 2. If you have been diagnosed and are currently being treated with medication, what are you using? 3. If your diagnosed ADD is currently being treated, please indicate on the following scale how it has affected your life overall. 1 - 100% better now. 5 - No real changes at all. 2 - Much improved. 6 - Some has gotten worse. 3 - Some improvement. 7 - Much has gotten worse. 4 - A little better. 8 - Life is now pure hell. 4. Do you consider your ADD, 1 - A disorder. 5 - Personality trait. 2 - A disease. 6 - Cerebral processing style. 3 - A handicap. 7- Other. (Specify) 4 - No problem. 5. In dealing with medical professionals, do you feel they have understood your ADD problems? 1 2 3 4 5 6. If you had diagnosed ADD while still in school, do you feel the educators you dealt with understood your ADD problems? 1 2 3 4 5 7. If you think you are ADD but as yet are undiagnosed, do you plan to consult a medical professional? Yes No 8. As a medical professional, do you consider ADD, 1 - A disorder. 5 - Cerebral processing style 2 - A disease. 6 - No problem. 3 - A handicap. 7 - Other. (Specify) 4 - Personality Trait 9. Have your views on ADD changed over the years? 1 2 3 4 5 10. If you deal directly with ADD patients, do you feel you communicate well with them? 1 2 3 4 5 11. Do you feel you understand what life with untreated ADD is like from the patient's point of view? 1 2 3 4 5 12. If you deal with the parents of ADD children, do you feel you communicate well with them? 1 2 3 4 5 13. If you deal with teachers of ADD children, do you feel you communicate well with them, working as a team in the child's interest? 1 2 3 4 5 14. Do you think your colleagues understand ADD patients and their problems? 1 2 3 4 5 15. Do you think you and/or your staff would benefit from a workshop in which you could experience what it's like to be ADD? 1 2 3 4 5